
يقدم لكم موقعكم المتميز العاصمة وبخاصة لمتابعية من مصر العديد من الخدمات التي قد يبحث عنها الكثير على الشبكة العنكبوتية لساعات طويلة ويخرج في نهاية المطاف صفر اليدين لذلك نوفر لك متابعنا العزيز هذه الخدمات عبر موقعنا ونسهل عليك في الوصول اليها واليوم نقدم لك اسئلة انترفيو مصر للطيران للمضيفات.

اسئلة انترفيو مصر للطيران للمضيفات

كيفية الاجابة على انترفيو مصر للطيران
الانترفيوكان بالانجلش دى الاسئلة اللى اتسالوها امبارح مع بعض الاجابات اللىممكن تساعد لكن بردو نراجع على العواصم والعملات للدول اللى بتطير ليها والمطلةعلى البحر الاحمر والمتوسط
وكمان معلومات عن تحالف ستار
1- Interduse youself ?
my name s ………. Iam …… years, Graduated from………. , works at……….

2- why you want to be cabin crew?
*I want to become a cabin crew beacuse,cabin crew is a very 
challenging job for any person,in this industry i want get 
a chance to serve many different types of customer's,to 
interact with them,full fill their needs during the 
flight,about their thought's.C abin crew get more chance to 
travel many place and knowing about many other cultural 
*I want to be a cabin crew because,i am capable of providing
the best customer service as i am patient and
understanding.apart from this i love to meet new people of
different regions,cultures and caste,being a cabin crew will
not only keep me proud,but also it will give me an
achievement to accomplish my goal in excellence of customer
assistance. and also will help my dreams to be as high as my

3- Why should we hire you?/ Why are you the best candidate for the job?
This is an opportunity to reiterate your most impressive strengths and/or describe your most memorable selling points, tailored to align with the top requirements in the job description. Your 3-4 bullet points could include a combination of the following:
Industry experience
Experience in performing certain tasks or duties
Technical skills
Soft skills
Key accomplishments
3- Why do you choose Egypt Air?
You will talk about Egyptian with previous posted info .

‘I would try and soften the situation by offering the passengers free drinks or refreshments. I would say to them that I was extremely sorry for what had happened and that I can assure him/her that it won’t happen again. I would then assess their response to see whether or not they wanted to take the matter further. If they did, then I would speak to my senior member of the cabin crew team. Having said that, reporting a work colleague would be a last resort and I would try my hardest to resolve the situation on my own.