
يقدم لكم موقعكم المتميز العاصمة وبخاصة لمتابعية من الامارات العديد من الخدمات التي قد يبحث عنها الكثير على الشبكة العنكبوتية لساعات طويلة ويخرج في نهاية المطاف صفر اليدين لذلك نوفر لك متابعنا العزيز هذه الخدمات عبر موقعنا ونسهل عليك في الوصول اليها واليوم نقدم لك اسئله انترفيو فروع اتصالات.

الاويت سورس للاتصالات هو
والتقديم فيها هيكون اننا ناخد السى فى
ونطلع زى الشطرين علىمصر للسياحه الى هو فين
الى هو ف العباسيه
الى هو جمب برج التتطبيقين الى فيه شركه وصله
ونقدم السى فى هناك
ولو حظك حلو وفيه انتر فيو داى اوبين
interview day open
يبقى سعتها تاخد السى فى وتتطلع ع برج التتطبيقين
الدور الاول صاله الموناليزا
تتدخل تعمل الانتر فيو
دى بقى الاسئله الخاصه با انتر فيو كل شركات الكول سنتر ف مصر
وصله - اسناد - اكسيد - ايككو - اتصال - ناوس
عشان تعرف الاسئله عشان تعرف اسئله انتر فيو
اسئله انتر فيو شركه ايككو اويت سورس فودافون
Whatdo you know about customer service
Customer service is the basic stage at anyrespectable company, which makes the relation between the customer and hiscompany much better by serving him by perfect way to reach his satisfaction
and there are three types of customer servicefield by phone , face to face and public
خدمة العملاء هي المرحلة الأساسية في أيشركة محترمه ، الأمر الذي يجعل العلاقة بين العملاء وشركته أفضل بكثير من العاملينمعه من طريقة مثالية للوصول إلى رضاه وهناك ثلاثة أنواع من مجال خدمة العملاء عنطريق الهاتف أو وجها لوجه والعلاقات العامة
Why doyou apply the customer service offer
why do you want to work as call center agent
Because I have personal skills for this joblike "good communication skills, good listener, sociable, friendly, Calm,like to help people and I have the ability to work in
team work
لاني لدي مهارات شخصية لي مؤهل لهذهالمهمة مثل "مهارات التواصل الجيد ومستمع جيد ، مؤنس ، ودود ، هادئ، مثللمساعدة الناس ولدي القدرة على العمل في فريق العمل
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؟Whatare the strength / positive points in your personality
I'm an organized person, dependable person,hard worker, calm, have the ability to work under stress and have the abilityto solve problems
أنا شخص منظم ، وشخص يمكن الاعتماد عليها، والعامل الثابت ، والهدوء ، ولدي القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط ،
و القدرة على حل المشكلات
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Whatare the weakness / negative points in your personality
I like to learn more of thing at the same timeand that makes me lose focus on learning one thing or more carefully
أحب أن أتعلم اكثر من شئ في نفس الوقت ،وهذا يجعلني افقد التركيز على تعلم شيئا واحدا أو أكثر بعناية
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What will you do if the customer abused youduring call
i will try to make him calm down by listeningto him carefully and talking to him in a polite way
i will try to be calm with out any stirringreaction
I'll be good listener to him
- let him to explain all the problem to me
- I'll take my steps to solve this problem andfollowing with the customer till solve it and reach his satisfaction
- after that I'll take all my steps to avoidthis problem in the future
وسأحاول أن اهدئه من خلال الاستماع اليهبعناية ، والتحدث معه بطريقة مهذبة
-- سأكونمستمعا جيدا له
-- ادعه يشرحكل المشكلة لي
-- سوف اتخذخطوات لحل هذه المشكلة ، واتابع مع العميل حتى تحل المشكله واصل الي رضاه
-- بعد ذلكسوف تتخذ كل ما عندي من الخطوات لتجنب هذه المشكلة في المستقبل
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Whatwill you use in your work
The good listening, the concentration, thepatience and the punctuality in my information
الاستماع الجيد ، والتركيز والصبر والدقةفي معاوماتي
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Whatare you needed in yourself
I needed to be very fluent in speaking Englishlanguage in order to achieve my targets
أنا في حاجة إلى أن اكون غاية طلاقة فيتحدث اللغة الإنجليزية من أجل تحقيق أهدافي
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My name is sheren , I am 23 years old ,
I graduated from faculty of commerce CairoUniversity, Accounting department, Graduation year two thousand and nine aboutmy courses , I had studied English language course at master education center,
i studied Microsoft Office course and Ilearned a lot of computer skills, such as
word,Excel, PowerPoint , Access and internetexplorer and outlook
and Course In Customer services by mr. shriffkhayry
And I had learned by him a lot ofCommunications Skills in Customer Service
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Whyyou left your previous work?
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Tellme a time you work under stress?
When I was in the final year at university,the tension and sadness in control of my life because my sister
was in the hospital throughout the period ofexams .. but I could most successful and learned how to achieve what I want ..Whatever the pressure or stress around me
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Whatthe biggest thing you achieved in your life?
Success in my job and promotion in the posts
النجاح في عملي والترقية في الوظائف
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Whatis the same relation between the customer service agent and the designer?
Both of them aim to fulfill the customersneeds
كلاهما يهدف إلى تلبية احتياجات العملاء
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Whatis the hardest situation you met before
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Whatis the type of the customer service field
1- Face to face
2- By phone
3- Public relationships
-- وجها لوجه
2 -- عن طريقالهاتف
3 -- العلاقاتالعامة
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Why you didn't introduce yourself again to theKit center? Or any other advertising company
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Whatare you see yourself after 3 years
I hope to get higher positions and promotionsin my work such as team leader , both in customer service or, Human DevelopmentDepartment
And that because I will not suffice to workonly, but i will try to take more courses that will help me to
success and innovation in the area in which Iwork in it
And then access to the highest positions
يحدوني الأمل في الحصول على أعلى المناصبوالترقيات في عملي كقائد الفريق ، سواء في خدمة العملاء أو إدارة التنمية البشرية
وذلك لأنني سوف لا اكتفي بالعمل فقط ،ولكن سأحاول أن اخد المزيد من الدورات التدريبية التي سوف تساعدني على النجاحوالابتكار في المجال الذي أعمل فيه ، ومن ثم الوصول إلى أعلى المناصب
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whats the skills must be in the successfulcall center person
to be friendlily , good listener, calm,kind,and sociable
أن يكون ودود ومستمع جيد وهادئ و لطيف وومؤنس
مرسلة بواسطة وظائف أون لاين في
نصيحه بقى مهمه قوى قوى اوعى تكتر ف الكلام معاهم خاااااااااااااااااااالص
الرد بكام كلمه
هتعمل اول انتر فيو انجلش من مضمون الاسئله دى
تانى انتر فيو هيكون عربى وفيه سؤال انجلش بس عرفنى بنفسك
وفى السكند التيم ليدر هيسئلك اسئله بالعربى وردها عربى بس لازم تبقى صايع ف الاجابه هقولك مثال
واحد واقف ف الصحرا وعليه فتوره 7 الاف جنيه وهو ظابط وعاوز يكلم الوحده بتعته تبعت ليه عربيه تاخده
هتقوله ايه بقى يامان.. بص
chakup هتقوله هعمل شيكب على الهيستورى بتاعه history
وهشوف هو بيدفع ف الميعاد ولا لاء وهتاكد هو دايما بيعمل كده ولا لاء
ولو هو سليم طبعا مش هزعل عميل مهم عندى فهسمح ليه بمكلمه محدوده بحيث مش يزود الفاتوره
وتكون مكلمه واحده عشان يكلم الوحده بتعته
ولازم تقوله هعمل شيك اب للهيستروى عشان يحس انك فاهم
وسؤال تانى مهم برده لو عميله كبيره ف السن اتصلت وعاوزه رصيد ومش معاها هيكون ردك ايه وبتقولك والنبى يا ابنى بنتى تعبانه
سعتها هترد بكل زوق وتعرفها عروض فودافون انك ممكن تستلف 12 ج
وانك ممكن تبعتت كلمنى
وانك كمان ممكن تدوس شباك وتتصل على حساب الى انت بتتصل بيه
انا بقى جالى سؤال غبى قالى لو صحبك قفل السكه ف وش عميل والعيل طلب يعمل شكوى فيه
كان السؤال نصين اول حاجه انى ههدى العميل واتعامل معاه بلطف والكلام ده
راح سئلنى قالى هو طلب منك تعمل الشكوى ياتره هتعمل الشكوى ف زميلك الصراحه قولت ليه اه
ومش عارف ايه بقى رد فعله
ودى بقى اسئله IQ شركه اكسيد
IMPORTANT! Read These Instructions First!
This test has been carefully designed to measure the general intelligence level of both adults and children 9 years or older. If you follow the instructions below, the test will give you an accurate rating of your I.Q.
You have 45 minutes to answer the 60 questions. Do not exceed this time limit. (Due to some slow Modem's or ISP's, extra time can only be allowed if the image pages take additional time to load! But please be honest when adding this time!)
Answer all questions. If you do not know the answer - guess. Guessing has been considered in the scoring. Do not leave any questions unanswered.
If a question seems to have more than one answer or no correct answer at all, pick what you consider to be the best of the choices given.
These questions are purposely designed to test your ability to think and reason.
If a child is taking the test the parent should make certain the child understands the instructions before he begins. If the child is a very poor reader, the parent may read the test questions to him, but he must not help him in any way with the answers. If the child is given any help, the test score will not reflect an accurate I.Q.
1. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
2. If you rearrange the letters "BARBIT", you would have the name of a:
3. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 3 [#304154] Question 3 diagram] [IQ 3 [#304154] Question 3 diagram]
4. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
5. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 5 [#304155] IQ test question 5] [IQ 5 [#304155] IQ test question 5]
6. John, twelve years old, is three times as old as his brother. How old will John be when he is twice as old as his brother?
15 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 21
7. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Brother is to sister as niece is to:
8. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 8 [#304156] IQ test question 8] [IQ 8 [#304156] IQ test question 8]
9. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Milk is to glass as letter is to:
10. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
[IQ 10 [#304159] Iq test question 10] [IQ 10 [#304159] Iq test question 10]
11. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison?
LIVE is to EVIL as 5232 is to:
(A) 2523 (B) 3252 (C) 2325 (D) 3225 (E) 5223
12. "If some Smaugs are Thors and some Thors are Thrains, then some Smaugs are definitely Thrains."
This statement is: TRUE - FALSE - NEITHER
13. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 13 [#304160] Iq test question 13] [IQ 13 [#304160] Iq test question 13]
14. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Tree is to ground as chimney is to:
15. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series?
9 - 7 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 5 - 6 - 3
16. Which one of the four is least like the other four?
17. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 17 [#304161] Iq test question 17] [IQ 17 [#304161] Iq test question 17]
18. Jack is taller than Peter, and Bill is shorter than Jack.
Which of the following statements would be most accurate?
(A) Bill is taller than Peter.
(B) Bill is shorter than Peter.
(C) Bill is as tall as Peter.
(D) It is impossible to tell whether Bill or Peter is taller.
19. Which one the five is least like the other four?
20. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
CAACCAC is to 3113313 as CACAACAC is to:
(A) 13133131 (B) 13133313 (C) 31311131 (D) 31311313 (E) 31313113
21. If you rearrange the letters "RAPIS", you would have the name of a:
22. Which one of the designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 22 [#304163] Iq test question 22] [IQ 22 [#304163] Iq test question 22]
23. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Bullet is to gun as ball is to:
24. "If some Bifurs are Bofurs and all Gloins are Bofurs, then some Bifurs are definitely Gloins."
This statement is: TRUE - FALSE - NEITHER
25. Which one of the designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 25 [#304164] Iq test question 25] [IQ 25 [#304164] Iq test question 25]
26. Which one of the letters does not belong is the following series:
A - D - G - I - J - M - P - S
The answer is:
D - I - J - M - S
27. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 27 [#304165] Iq test question 27] [IQ 27 [#304165] Iq test question 27]
28. The price of an article was cut 20% for a sale. By what percent must the item be increased to again sell the article at the original price?
15% - 20% - 25% - 30% - 40%
29. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
30. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 30 [#304167] Iq test question 30] [IQ 30 [#304167] Iq test question 30]
31. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
32. Mary had a number of cookies. After eating one, she gave half the remainer to her sister. After eating another cookie, she gave half of what was left to her brother. Mary now had only five cookies left. How many cookies did she start with?
11 - 22 - 23 - 45 - 46
33. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
34. Which one of the numbers does not belong is the following series?
2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 14 - 15 - 30
35. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 35 [#304166] Iq test question 35] [IQ 35 [#304166] Iq test question 35]
36. "A spaceship received three messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The astonauts studied these messages and found that "Elros Aldarion Elendil" means "Danger Rocket Explosion" and "Edain Mnyatur Elros" means "Danger spaceship Fire" and "Aldarion Gimilzor Gondor" means "Bad Gas Explosion".
What does "Elendil" mean?
37. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
[IQ 37 [#304171] Iq test question 37] [IQ 37 [#304171] Iq test question 37]
38. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Belt is to buckle as shoe is to:
39. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 39 [#304172] Iq test question 39] [IQ 39 [#304172] Iq test question 39]
40. John received $.41 change from a puchase in the drugstore.
If he received six coins, three of the coins had to be:
41. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 41 [#304173] Iq test question 41] [IQ 41 [#304173] Iq test question 41]
42. If you rearrange the letters "MANGERY", you would have the name of a:
43. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 43 [#304174] Iq test question 43] [IQ 43 [#304174] Iq test question 43]
44. "If all Wargs are Twerps and no Twerps are Gollums, then no Gollums are definitely Wargs."
This statement is: TRUE - FALSE - NEITHER
45. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
46. Which one of the designs does not belong in the following series?
[IQ 46 [#304176] Iq test question 46] [IQ 46 [#304176] Iq test question 46]
47. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Finger is to hand as leaf is to:
48. John's mother sent him to the store to get 9 large cans of peaches. John could only carry 2 cans at a time. How many trips to the store did John have to make?
4 - 4½ - 5 - 5½ - 6
49. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 49 [#304177] Iq test question 49] [IQ 49 [#304177] Iq test question 49]
50. Which one of the five make the best comparison?
Foot is to knee as hand is to:
51. Which one of the five designs is least like the other four?
[IQ 51 [#304179] Iq test question 51] [IQ 51 [#304179] Iq test question 51]
52. Mary was both 13th highest and 13th lowest in a spelling contest.
How many people were in the contest?
13 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28
53. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?
Water is to ice as milk is to:
54. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series?
1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 13 - 26 - 29 - 48
55. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
56. "If all Fleeps are Sloops and all Sloops are Loopies, then all Fleeps are definitely Loopies."
This statement is: TRUE - FALSE - NEITHER
57. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 57 [#304181] Iq test question 57] [IQ 57 [#304181] Iq test question 57]
58. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
59. Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison?
[IQ 59 [#304183] Iq test question 59] [IQ 59 [#304183] Iq test question 59]
60. "A fish has a head 9" long. The tail is equal to the size of the head plus one-half the size of the body. The body is the size of the head plus the tail."
How long is the fish?
27" - 54" - 63" - 72" - 81"
اجابة اسئله IQ
Please do not cheat and look at this page before doing the test. I also warn the Non US members (of which i am one) that there is 1 question based on the US monetary system.
Please also do not E-mail me if you get an answer wrong. I can assure you that all the questions in the previous page are correct, and that their answers below are just as correct!
All the others have legs; the others are mammals.
3. D
The triangles and squares change place, and the vertical figure becomes horizontal.
he others are vegetables.
5. B
Since this is a reverse comparison, the solid line triangle is the reverse of the broken line square.
6. 16
John's brother is 4. In 4 years the brother will
be 8, and John will be 16 or twice as old.
Brother and sister, and niece and nephew are all opposites.
8. E
All the others are made with only 3 lines; E is made with 4 lines.
Milk goes into a glass, just as a letter goes into an envelope.
10. E
The large circle has a smaller figure of itself inside; the others have different figures inside.
11. C
EVIL is the reverse spelling of LIVE; the reverse of 5232 is 2325.
Example: "If some cats are animals and some animals are dogs, then some cats are definitely dogs." We cannot make this assumption definitely.
13. D
It is the only one made with circles.
A tree comes up out of the ground, just as a chimney comes up out of a house.
The order is "minus 2, plus 1, minus 2, plus l," etc. Three violates this order.
The others are senses; smile is a facial expression.
17. B
The first two designs point in the same direction, just as the triangle and figure B point in the same direction.
18. D
Without more information it is impossible to tell. We only know that both Peter and Bill are shorter than Jack.
The others are all articles of clothing that are worn.
20. D
Substitute numbers for letters; C = 3 and A =1 .
21. CITY
22. B
It is not made with straight lines.
A bullet is fired from a gun, and a ball is fired from a cannon. The others do not involve an explosive force.
Example: " If some cars are green and all leaves are green, then some cars are definitely leaves." We cannot make this assumption definitely.
25. B
The numbers indicate the position of the letters in the alphabet. E is the 5th letter in the alphabet, not the 6th.
26. I
The order is "A, skip 2 letters, D, skip 2 letters, G," etc. I violates this order.
27. D
The geometric figures are reversed, and the position of the crosses and arrows either inside or outside the figures is reversed.
28. 25%
Example: A $1.00 item reduced 20% will sell for 80cent. To sell it at $1 .00 again, you must increase the price 20%. 20cent is 25% of 80cent.
The others are simple metals; brass is an alloy (a combination of two metals).
30. E
3 figures change into 3 different figures, and 5 figures change into 5 different figures.
The others hold liquids; liquids pass through a funnel.
32. 23
23-1 = 22. 1/2 of 22 ='l 1. 1 1 -1 = 10. 1/2 of 10 = 5, the number of cookies Mary had left.
33. HAY
The others are grains; hay is a grass.
The order is "plus 1, times 2, plus 1, times 2," etc. Eight violates this order.
35. B
The designs are reversed, and one side is removed from the smaller figure.
Elros = Danger, Aldarion = Explosion, therefore Elendil must mean Rocket.
37. B
All other objects begin with the letter "S"; knife begins with the letter "K"
38. LACE
You buckle a belt, just as you lace your shoes.
39. D
It is divided into 4 parts; the others are divided into 3 parts.
3 dimes, 2 nickles, and 1 penny is the only possible solution.
41. D
The other figures are divided into the same number of triangles as the number of sides the figure has.
43. E
A hand goes into a mitten, just as a foot goes into a shoe.
44. TRUE
Example: "If all dogs are animals and no animals are plants, then no plants are definitely dogs." We can definitely make this assumption.
The others walk on 4 legs.
46. D
The letters in the other squares all move in order in a clockwise direction.
47. TWIG
Finger is an appendage of the hand, just as a leaf is an appendage of a twig.
48. 5
The question asks for trips to the store.
9 divided by 2 = 41/2, but it takes 5 trips even though John will only get one can on one of the trips. Plus he has the initial trip to the store in the first place!
49. E
It does not have a twin.
Foot is attached to leg and knee is a joint in the leg. Hand is attached to arm and elbow is a joint in the arm.
51. D
It has 2 black stripes; the other have 1.
52. 25
There are 12 students lower and 12 students higher, plus Mary is 25.
Water changes into ice, and milk changes into cheese.
54. 48
The order is "times 2, plus 3, times 2, plus 3," etc. 48 violates the order.
The others are meats; salmon is a fish.
56. TRUE
Example: "if all dogs are mammals and all mammals are animals, then all dogs are definitely animals." We can definitely make this assumption.
57. E
Circles change into squares, and the shading is reversed.
58. ACRE
Acre measures area; the others measure distance.
59. C
The 4 sided square is divided into 4 squares, just as the 3 sided triangle is divided into 3 triangles.
60. 72"
The head is 9". the Tail is 18" + 9" = 27". The body is 9" + 18" + 9" = 36". 91, + 27" + 36" = 72" -This maybe solved algebraically as well.
THE KEY TO THE TEST IS IN "IQ test Scoring instructions"
اكسيد وناوس الوحيدين الى فيهم تيست انجلش و IQ
ونيجى بقى عند اسئله شركه فرست اويت سورس فودافون
عشان لو حابب تنزل استورز فودافون
بخصوص انتر فيو فريستهتروح تقابل السكرتيره اسمها شيماء هتقولها عندى انتر فيو ونصيحه روح 10 بالظبط عشان تخلص بسرعه
هتستنى عشان تتدخل الانتر فيو
والانتر فيو فى فريست بينقسم اتنين first & second
واحد بيكون مع امير اتش ار
وواحد تانى بيكون مع مدير المبيعات
ومش شرط الفرست مع امير والسكند مع مدير المبيعات
لانى لو مدير المبيعات موجود بيدخلوك ع طول ليه ولو اكسبت بتتدخل على امير
ولو امير موجود بتتدخل عليه وبعد كده ع مدير المبيعات
ولو المدير مش موجود وامير بس الى موجود بتعمل مع امير الانتر فيو
ولو اكسبت بيتصلو ف خلال 10 ايام تروح تعمل السكند
انا حبيت اعرفكم الدنيا ماشيه ازاى عشان مش تبقى محتارين
مقابله امير
**لازم تتبع الخطوات دى عشان هما عالم ممله قوى قوى بس حقهم لانك بتمثل الشركه نفسها
اول شى تخبط على الباب براحه وتروح فاتح
هيقوم يسلم عليك تروح مسلم عليه بحراره وتبين ليه الاهتمام
هتقعد معاه هيقولك ازيك وممكن يقولك كلمنى عن نفسك وهتبقى كل شى بالعربى مش انجلش
الانجلش ده ف الاخر هقولكم ايه حكايته
بعد كده هيسئلك اسئله عن السيلز وهتكون زى دى بالظبط وهيسئلك منها سؤال او اتنين
تعرف ايه عن المبيعات (السيلز)؟؟؟ : 1
المبيعاتهيا شامله كل شئ من بيع واقناع وعرض مزايا المنتج الي هتبيعه
وايضا التعامل باحترام معا العميل وبشياكه حتي لو مش هيشتري بس ياخد
فكره حلوه عن المكان عشان يجي مره تانيه ويشتري وبرضو داخل في شغل راجل الحسابات والفلوس ويكون مسئول عنها مسئوليه كامله
2-ليه اختارت المجال ده
لاني حابب المجال ده وشايف اني ممكن اطور نفسي فيه وانا بطبيعتي
شخص اجتماعي بحب الناس جدا وبحب اتكلم معاهم ومعا كل الطبقات والفئات من الناس انا بستمتع وانا بتكلم جدا معا الناس وببقي سعيد لو قدرت احل مشكله لحد او اقنعه بمنتج انه يشتريه
3-ايهاللى يخلينى اختارك انت بالذات
لاني شايف في نفسي المهارات الي تخليني اخد الوظيفة دي انا مستمع جيد
وصبور وهادئ وعندي مهارات اجتماعيه وقادر علي التواصل معا الناس بشكل جيد وممكن اشتغل تحت اي ضغظ بالاضافة اني حابب المجال ده وحاسس اني هئدي فيه وممكن اطور من نفسي فيه
هحاول اني ازود مبيعات الشركه من خلال مهاراتي في البيع والاقناع واحترام الزباين وبرضو في التواصل معا كافه انواع الزباين باحترافيه عاليه ومن خلال عمل لينك بيني وبين التيم ورك بتاعي
والاحترام المتبادل بينا وتفاهمنا في الشغل .
بعد كده هيقولك مستواتك ايه ف الانجلش هتقوله مستواك
هيقولك طيب ورينى
هيروح مديك قطعه انجلش يقولك اقراء بصوت عالى
وبعد ماتقرائها هتلاقى سؤالين تحتها
سؤال منهم هيقولك
لو العميل غضبان هتعمل ايه:؟
What will you do if the customer abused؟؟
i will try to make him calm down by listening to him carefully and talking to him in a polite way
i will try to be calm with out any stirring reaction
I'll be good listener to him
- let him to explain all the problem to me
- I'll take my steps to solve this problem and following with the customer till solve it and reach his satisfaction
- after that I'll take all my steps to avoid this problem in the future
وسأحاول أن اهدئه من خلال الاستماع اليه بعناية ، والتحدث معه بطريقة مهذبة
-- سأكون مستمعا جيدا له
-- ادعه يشرح كل المشكلة لي
-- سوف اتخذ خطوات لحل هذه المشكلة ، واتابع مع العميل حتى تحل المشكله واصل الي رضاه
-- بعد ذلك سوف تتخذ كل ما عندي من الخطوات لتجنب هذه المشكلة في المستقبل
لو قالك رد عربى الرد موجود اهوه قالك انجلش يبقى برده مكتوب
والسؤال التانى هيقولك اكتب بيزنس مسج بخصوص مشكله العميل الى ف القطعه
والقطعه الى جاتلى كانت بتقول
وانت شغال ف الفرع بتاعك جالك عميل غضبان جدا
عشان الفاتوره بتعتها عاليه قوى قوى
وهو مش عمل مكلمات
وطلب منك تعمل ليه اعاده حساب لفاتوره
هتعرف القطعه دى من كلمه invoice , bill
وهيبقى السؤالين الى تحت القطعه لو العميل غضبان هتعمل ايه
وتانى سؤال اكتب مسج للاداره عشان تحل المشكله
ملحوظه مهمه جدا جدا جدا جدا
امير ياجماعه هيرخم قوووووووووى
اوعى حد يتنرفز
ممكن يسئلك سؤال وتجوبه ويقولك جوبنى اوعى تقوله انا جوبتك اوعى
لازم تروح مجاوب تانى من الاول
وتبتسم وهو بيضيقك
لانه هيرخم وهيحسسك انك مرفوووووض
بس ده بيشوف رد فعلك
وبعد مايرخم هيقولك انا خلصت عندك اسئله
هتقوله لاء مرسيه لحضرتك او مرسيه لوقت حضرتك
هيروح قايم مسلم عليك
سلم عليه بحراره قويه عشان مش يحس انك مخنوق منه
ولو عملت كده يبقى انت اكسبت معاه
سكند انتر فيو ده بقى والله مش عارف ايه مخ المدير المتخلف ده
الراجل ده الى هنصحك بيه انك تكون دقيق ف الكلام قوى واوعى تقول حاجه غلط اوعى تكتر معاه ف الكلام كلامك يبقى بعداد وحساب
ولو عملت كده يبقى مبروك عليك شغلك ف فودافون ستروز